Rare White Buffalo Calf Born in Yellowstone Park Fulfills Lakota Prophecy

Published: Jun 16th, 2024

The birth of a rare white buffalo in Yellowstone National Park fulfills a significant Lakota prophecy, signaling both hope and a call to action to protect the earth and its animals, according to Lakota tribe members.


“The birth of this calf is both a blessing and a warning. We must do more,” stated Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota Oyate in South Dakota, as well as the 19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Woman Pipe and Bundle.

This sacred calf's birth follows a harsh winter in 2023, which forced thousands of Yellowstone bison to lower elevations. Over 1,500 were killed, sent to slaughter, or transferred to tribes reclaiming stewardship of an animal their ancestors coexisted with for millennia.

Erin Braaten from Kalispell captured several photos of the calf shortly after its birth on June 4 in the Lamar Valley, located in the park's northeastern corner. Her family was visiting the park when she noticed “something really white” among a herd of bison across the Lamar River.

As traffic halted for bison crossing the road, Braaten used her telephoto lens to take a closer look from her car window. “I look and it’s this white bison calf. And I was just totally, totally floored,” she recalled.

After the bison moved, the Braatens parked their vehicle and observed the calf and its mother for 30 to 45 minutes. Although Braaten returned the following two days, she did not see the white calf again.

To the Lakota, the birth of a white buffalo calf with a black nose, eyes, and hooves is comparable to the second coming of Jesus Christ, said Looking Horse. Lakota legend recounts that approximately 2,000 years ago, during a time of scarcity and hardship, White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared, presented a sacred pipe and bundle, taught the people how to pray, and promised that the pipe could summon buffalo for food. As she departed, she transformed into a white buffalo calf.

“And some day when the times are hard again,” Looking Horse related the legend, “I shall return and stand upon the earth as a white buffalo calf, black nose, black eyes, black hooves.”

A similar white buffalo calf was born in Wisconsin in 1994 and named Miracle, he added.

Troy Heinert, executive director of the South Dakota-based InterTribal Buffalo Council, confirmed the calf in Braaten’s photos appears to be a true white buffalo, noting its black nose, hooves, and dark eyes. “From the pictures I’ve seen, that calf seems to have those traits,” said Heinert, who is Lakota. An albino buffalo would have pink eyes.

A naming ceremony has been held for the Yellowstone calf, though Looking Horse did not reveal the name. A celebration of the calf’s birth is scheduled for June 26 at the Buffalo Field Campaign headquarters in West Yellowstone.

Other tribes also hold white buffalo in high regard. “Many tribes have their own story of why the white buffalo is so important,” Heinert said. “All stories go back to them being very sacred.”

Heinert and members of the Buffalo Field Campaign have never heard of a white buffalo being born in Yellowstone, which has wild herds. Park officials had not yet seen the calf and could not confirm its birth in the park, nor do they have any records of a previous white buffalo birth there.

Jim Matheson, executive director of the National Bison Association, noted the rarity of such calves. “To my knowledge, no one’s ever tracked the occurrence of white buffalo being born throughout history. So I’m not sure how we can determine how often it occurs.”

In Yellowstone and surrounding areas, the annual removal of large numbers of bison is common, under an agreement between federal and Montana agencies to limit the park’s herds to about 5,000 animals. Last week, Yellowstone officials proposed increasing the population to up to 6,000 bison, with a final decision expected next month.

However, Montana ranchers have long opposed increasing the Yellowstone herds or transferring the animals to tribes. Republican Gov. Greg Gianforte has stated he would not support any management plan targeting more than 3,000 Yellowstone bison.

Heinert views the calf’s birth as a reminder “that we need to live in a good way and treat others with respect.” He added, “I hope that calf is safe and gonna live its best life in Yellowstone National Park, exactly where it was designed to be.”

*You can learn more about Chief Arvol Looking Horse here

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